Gold ETF Vs. Gold Mutual Fund: Which is Better?

Gold has been the go-to investment option for Indians for ages. The introduction of new and advanced developments in the world of finance has also changed the way people invest in gold. Gold exchange traded funds (ETFs) and gold mutual funds are two of the most popular investments for people looking for exposure to gold. Gold ETFs monitor the price of physical gold and offer a direct investment in gold. These securities are passively managed and traded on the stock exchanges. At the same time, gold mutual funds are actively managed funds that invest in gold-related securities like gold mining stocks, gold derivates and gold ETF. In this blog, we dive deeper into the difference between gold ETF and gold mutual funds to help you make the right investment decision. Gold ETF Vs. Gold Mutual Fund: Meaning What is Gold ETF? Gold exchange traded funds are passively managed investment instruments that track the performance of the gold index. These ETFs are traded on the stock ...